Case Stats

  • This gives referring lawyers and the outside world the exact same information we use in-house for quality control. Intakes need to be accepted / declined and cases need to be resolved! Justice delayed is justice denied.
  • Intakes Under Review 45 
  • Referred Cases from other lawyers state and nationwide 94%
  • Median Time First Contact to Decline 14 days (most cases are reviewed w/ an indication of merit within 72 hours)
  • Median Time First Contact to Accepted/Filed Cases 9 weeks
  • Median Time Case Filing to Resolution 1.8 years

These cases, like spine injury claims, depend on a thorough and expensive work up. Not only do we retain unimpeachable liability experts, we also bring in the most thorough and respected life care planners from hospitals that work with disabled people all the time. We then supplement this testimony with sophisticated vocational and economic experts who determine the percentage decline in vocational opportunity caused by a specific injury to a person in exactly the plaintiff’s shoes. We then focus group our cases to ensure that we are not missing information and argument that would be helpful to the jury.

Here are a few examples of amputation cases we have handled:

*$5.5m settlement against a general surgeon and a northern Connecticut hospital for failing to monitor the plaintiff after spinal surgery. Because her pulses were not regularly taken, the plaintiff, a former nurse in her 60s, had her leg amputated above the knee. We brought in board certified doctors in the following specialties:  orthopedists, vascular surgeons, hospitalizes, registered nurses, and a general surgeon to prove this claim.

*$5.2m verdict/settlement against a tractor trailer operator and a towing company. The 21 year old plaintiff lost his arm at the elbow when the car he was driving in was forced into the emergency lane by a swerving tractor trailer. His car struck an illegally parked tow truck that caused his arm to be severed. This case was tried in Danbury Superior Court.


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How to Use Case Builder

Case Builder contains two helpful categories: cases we are working on now and our past results. Case Builder is a novel concept. Our web designer said we should have this information fixed in a web page. We disagreed—thinking that just like our practice is always changing the case builder should be an ever-changing description of where we are right now—not last month or a year ago.

Current Cases

Past Results

National Board of Trial Advocacy

US News Best Law Firms 2017

Super Lawyers Top 50 New England Lawyers

Super Lawyers Top 10 Connecticut Lawyers

Martin Hubbell Peer Review Rated

CLTA Board of Govenors